Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Final Learning Blog

I can't believe I have made it to the final learning blog. At the being of the semester I was having a pretty hard time with this class because I didn't have the confidence in myself. Throughout the semester my confidence as a writer started to grow. I was slowly becoming more relaxed when it come time for peer reviews because they were looking to see if the content was good and not just focusing on my grammar. During the semester I was searching through my writing to find out what kind of writer I was and during an extra credit assignment I found out that I a forced writer and only write for assignment that are due for my classes. Looking back I can now say that I have confidence in my writing not only in English but also in French. There is still much more I have to  about be a writer but the only way I know how to learn these lessons is by continuing to write, I have a lot more classes if in my college career and with that a lot more writing assignment that will teach me more about writing. As of this semester I glad I had this English class because I have learned a lot and I starting to overcome my fear of writing and my confidence in has started to come back. During this class I have now learn the proper way to write a blog and how to properly peer review my classmates work. During this semester I have had my up and down in writing and after completing other assignment was like a huge load off my back because I was nervous about turn all of the papers.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Unit Three Topic

1. I will be writing about screenplays.

2. I will be using the genre of movies screenplays and anime screenplays.

3. This will be a research paper on how other writers write screenplays

4.There will be figure of screenplays through the paper

5. I will be MLA format or end notes to cite my paper

Sunday, April 1, 2012

10 Characteristics of GWRJ

Characteristics of Grassroots Writing Research Journal

Written in Sections
Pictures include in journal.
Has a unique title.
Has a reference section.
Easy to read, no complex words.
Follows standard paper format with beginning with thesis, middle and end.
Journal is a couple pages long.
They are both personal stories from the authors.
The journal on page 73 is easy to relate too.
The journal on page 81 has the format of what I normally use to write a paper in high school.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Learning Blog

This research paper is great for me to learn who to do because of  my major. Chemistry Education doesn't have that many research paper to write but in the fall I will be switching majors to Pre-Pham which I will need to be to write a research paper. I feel I will now be able to pass this class. I'm still working on building my confidence as a write. After complete this research paper I kind of understand how genres can become completely different just by changing basic element like location and contexts. During the peer review for the project, I felt that I could have given the other groups better advice because during that time I was listen to other group talk about what other could do with their papers in a very detailed way. During my spring break I learned something very important that will most likely change my views on English classes. I was able to find out what type of writer I was. With this knowledge I was able to help my group with the writing sections of the assignment and was not scare what my group and other students would say because I put my best effort in the tasks I was assigned to and helped out my other group mates with their tasks. I am looking forward to the unit in our class because I hope that it will help me build the confidence I need as a writer which I have been lacking for some time now. There is only 6 weeks left in this semester and I feel that there is so much more I need too learn.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Learning Blog #3

I'm scared about where I am in this class. After see my midterm grade I know that I in trouble with a lot of things, but more importantly I scared about my academic probation. Now that we have started Unit 2 I'm start to many different type of genres. Like I never thought that Facebook status or text message were type of genre in English. I'm nervous about the project because I don't want my poor performance as a writer to hurt my grade but with this group project it also gives me the boost to become a better to help with the work load. I'm hoping that I can found more ways to use my creativeness because I'm not like most people I can't write an academic paper perfectly but I feel that can write stories. I still not sure about what going in this halfway blogs. I can't wait to officially start this project because taking the genre of To Do List and put it on flyer with pull off tabs in public places I feel is a proper way to break the standard English that we have grown up with. The research part of this project might be a little hard and creepy because we kind of have to sit and watch people look at the flyer and see how they react to it. On Friday I hope that we get all of these problem that I have been thinking about get answer or we find a way to fix them. For example, the flyer I made has everything that we talk about on Wednesday but, I feel that it is still too blank and need something special to make it stand out from the other fliers in the building that we pick to do our research in.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Factors in CHAT

Production: Tools and practies used to create the writing

I used online source and interview as tool in my writing and I also personal experience to fill in some of the gap that I could fill with my sources.

Representation: Ways people who produce a text conceptualize and plan it

I planned my article out by putting the most important information first, then adding extra information follow by a interview and some statistics. I did this so that the reader would not get bored of my article

Distribution: Things such as who a text is given to, for what purposes, using what distribution tools.

I this class my text is given to my classmates and teacher and the purposes of this is that my classmates will review my work and help me make the assignment better and my teacher will take my text to read for a grade.

Reception: How texts are taken up and used by other

Activity: Actual practices that people engage in as they create a text

Ecology: Environmental factors

Music, roommates those keep me focus because they were working on their homework and gaming inbetween writing to help me with my writer's block.

Socialization: The interaction of people and institutions with this piece of writing.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Half way Blog

In this English class I feel completely out of my zone because I'm use to a structure class were I know what the teacher is looking for. I know that there are good peer editor and bad peer editor because well to be honest I'm one those people who would be a bad peer editor. I don't know how to review other people writing because each time I give my assignment to someone to review, they would return mostly filled with comments about what I did wrong which makes myself feel bad when I'm reviewing someone else work because I feel like I don't have that proper writing experience like everyone else has. I'm hope at the end of this semester I can become a better peer editor, but until that days come I guess I need to work harder on my editing skill for myself and my peers